Why Color difference of melamine paper will occur?

Views : 15302
Author : Even Decor
Update time : 2023-06-07 15:24:24
Color difference is inevitable in the actual production process of printing industry, why the  color difference will occur? How does the color difference occur in #DecorativePaper printing? We need to talk about the difference of raw materials, production process, and temperature changeetc..

Today we're going to talk about the characteristics of the #DecorativeBasePaper and the their impact on the color difference.

The #DecorativeBasePaper is generally bleached sulfate broad-leaved, coniferous forest wood pulp, its filler is sub-micron level titanium dioxide, because the printing decorative paper need to soak glue to become #ImpregnatedPaper------we also call it #MelaminePaper.Therefore, #DecorativeBasePaper needs not only adaptability to print,but also to meet the technical requirements of impregnation.The technical parameters of decorative base paper include:

Quantification(grams) ,air permeability, ash content, tensile strength, thermal stability, PH value, smoothness, color fastness and so on.

The instability of these technical parameters, to a certain extent, will lead to the color difference between the base paper batches. As a substrate for decorative printing, the color difference of base paper will cause the color difference of printing.

#DecorativePaper #DecorativeBasePaper #ImpregnatedPaper #MelaminePaper

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